class Rules + child safety policy
Only students are permitted in the dance studio space. Parents may watch classes by invitation of the teacher. This is to keep distractions to a minimum, and ensure students can concentrate on what they are being taught.
Please place student’s name on all their belongings.
No liability will be taken for loss or damage of property, or any physical injury caused whilst at Dance Explosion classes.
No food or sticky drinks are to be brought to class.
Smoking is not permitted within the studio areas.
Students are to bring their own water bottle to each class.
No food containing nuts/nut products are permitted at class.
Students must wait inside the studio to be collected.
Parents running late to pick up students should notify one of our directors, Nicola or Wendy
Images of students may be used in advertising and social media (with parents' permission)
It is recommended for all parents and students to read all emails, handouts, newsletters, and notices